John Nardizzi

October 2022

“We’re Not Making This Up"

Sisters in Crime New England is sponsoring a “We’re Not Making This Up” panel on Tuesday afternoon, November 15, at 1 PM at the Canton Senior Center, 500 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021. I will be participating along with some excellent writers and speakers like Kate Flora, Frances McNamara and Joanna Schauffhausen. We will talk about how real-life crime has led to story-telling in both non-fiction and fiction works.

Boston Book Fair 2022

The Boston Book Festival will take place in Boston on October 29. The great writers organization Sisters in Crime New England (SinCNE) is sponsoring a booth for this year’s festival. Sisters [and Misters like me] will be there so stop by at 1:00 PM to talk all things crime.